A Basic Breakdown Of Picking Out Essential Factors For Whitening Products
A Helpful A-to-z On No-hassle Systems

"To function efficiently, your liver needs specific vitamins and nutrients from your diet," says Warm. "According to TCM, eating liver is one of the best foods to help do just this. Whether it's beef or chicken livers, eating them once to twice a month is a good start." If your main symptoms are coughing, wheezing and nasal congestion, you may want to consider getting cupping to help reduce blockage in your lungs. "This ancient technique can help circulation in the lung area, which helps [cleanse] the lungs and opens the alveoli, tiny sacs within our lungs that allow oxygen and carbon dioxide to move between the lungs," says Wan. Multiple studies have found acupuncture to be a safe and valid treatment for allergies. "Acupuncture can alleviate symptoms almost immediately for temporary allergies or even chronic issues combined with other modalities," Elizabeth Trattner , a Chinese and Integrative Medicine expert, tells Bustle. "There are specific points that alleviate phlegm, wind, heat, and other pathogenic factors where western medicine hits a 'glass ceiling.'" Another way to improve allergies is to get rid of phlegm via the diet, says Trattner. "Phlegm in TCM is your runny nose, mucous, dried mucous blocking your nasal passages, sputum in your lungs, clogged ears, swollen tonsils and post nasal drip," she says. "By removing dairy, sugar, refined foods, cold foods, raw foods and greasy foods, you can drastically eliminate phlegm." Instead of these foods, opt for warm foods, gently steamed vegetables, and organic whole grains and animal products.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit https://www.bustle.com/p/8-ways-to-treat-allergies-according-to-eastern-medicine-9493666
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An Inside Examination Of Crucial Factors Of [whitening Products]

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